Thursday, November 20, 2008


The Edible Schoolyard is a middle school in California made a better to better understand subjects throught the idea of nature. The beginning of school does not start with papers and the challenges of waking up. The students are actively involved in learning as soon as they walk through the door. The students go out to the garden to begin their learning. Students learn about condensation and evaporation from the reain and water. Through measuring the fruits, the children learn about measuring for cooking and some math. Students learn about where the fruits come from or what each is called in another country. They learn about teamwork and the environment.
The Heifer Ranch is a place for students to learn about poverty, work, and teamwork. They get to understand struggles of children that are not as well off as they are. The students were divided into groups and given certain resources. Every group had a resource that the other group needed. The students have to learn to cooperate and work together. They are really being taught what they cannot see in their community and given the insight into what they can do to help.
It might not be possible for me as a teacher to create a garden for my students but i might be able to have some potted plants in my classroom for a mini version of this lesson. I really beleive in visual learners and giving something to my students to work with to better understand a lesson.
The second podcast makes me try and think of a community service that I can get my students into locally. In middle school I went to St. Mary's Home and tutored children. There are many places in Mobile you acan choose from to show the students people are in need. Penelope House, St. Mary's Home, Ronald McDonald House, Salvation Army, etc.

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